Let's get you ready !
Many offices tried to embrace BIM and failed, I've heard of offices that decided to switch to BIM as early as 2006 however till this date nothing worked for them !
Simply because they bought the wrong tools, from the wrong people! who only cared about shipping them the boxes.. and let them struggle with it.
You might have even thought that I can send my team to a training course and that should solve it, after all they are good with their CAD tools and it will be easy to pick a new one, let us send them to a course of 30-40 hours that should solve the problem, right? WRONG.
What if ... We promised you to be up and running and submitting projects 100% BIM in less than 3 months ?
What if ... We Promised that you will have no financial obligations till you have achieved your goals on BIM ?
What if ... We told you that during the implementation period you will have your projects already transferred to BIM without even having your team ready ?

Pilot Project Program
Pilot Project Program
PPP in a nutshell
Basically you get free licenses for an extended period (1-3 months) , where you only pay for the training, and once the training is finished, and if you decided to purchase ARCHICAD, you get the money you invested in training back !
What is PPP ?
It is a tailored program by the local resellers of ArchiCAD BIMES to help your company evaluating BIM and ArchiCAD with no financial obligations
Who is PPP for ?
It is for consultancies and contractors that never tried any BIM solution or for offices using other BIM solutions and having difficulties with the selected solutions, and are welling to try a problem solving based approach.
What do I expect from PPP ?
When enrolled in PPP you will get up to 20 ArchiCAD licenses and BIMserver for free for the period of PPP.
A plan will be discussed with our team to set expected targets on a live project in your office. We will install the software for you, get your team trained , provide online / on-site support, enabling them to experience BIM as it should be and produce the required output (models, drawings, BOQ..etc) of the selected live project.
By the end of the PPP period (depending on the project) and based on the results, you an take an informed decision, and if you decided to purchase (minimum 3 licenses) your training investment will be refunded !
Why PPP is good for you ?
You hear a lot about BIM, and you might get trapped in buying licenses, but no one will ever give you a real feedback like your own team, about the software and the support you will get from us as a reseller. There will be no excuse!
How to get enrolled in PPP ?
Be sure to register in the list above, and we will be in contact with you.

BIM 101
The idea of BIM Essentials Training came after noticing the gap in the market for such training. and the misconception of BIM that was unfortunately sold to many as : BIM is the magical solution to everything. Actually yes BIM is a magical solution but once we understand it properly, and we are not talking here about programs training, we are talking about the essentials of BIM.
What impact will it have on your practice ?
What should you expect out of your colleagues, bosses and employees?
How would it affect your current workflow ?
How would it affect the amount of work you have to do in every stage?
How would it affect your contracts ?
How would it change the interaction with others on projects ?
What should you do to be qualified for BIM when required?
What should you ask to know what "kind" of BIM the client is expecting?
These questions can't be covered in a course that explains the menus of a program !
This is what BIM Essentials Training is all about, it targets everyone from higher management to project managers and directors, designers, engineers and draftsmen. Owners, Consultants, contractors and subcontractors.

Custom training course in arabic
More than 8 hours of training, over 14 videos in arabic, to get you ready for all basics of ARCHICAD. to watch the full playlist click below

few hours can save you a lot!
These GRAPHISOFT approved training resources are made for ARCHICAD users, prospects and students with different level of knowledge and interest. Each volume includes a step-by-step PDF manual, narrated video clips and ARCHICAD project files for hands-on practice.
BIM ESSENTIALS Training Course
- What is BIM ?
- Why do we need BIM?
- How will it affect my business ? and how can I benefit from it.
- Where to start with BIM?
- How does BIM apply to Design ?
- How does it apply to construction ?
- How does it apply to FM ?
- What kind of training should the staff get?
- Is it expensive ?
BIM Essentials Training Course:
31st March - 1st April , 2017
GULF UNIVERSITY Campus - Bahrain
BD 60 per person
2 Days of training course, a full schedule including coffee breaks and lunches. Will prepare you to be competent and confident in all your BIM decisions. Whether you are an engineer, manager, developer, consultant, contractor or QS, this course will boost your knowledge of BIM and prepare you to develop your skills further.
Kindly leave your contact details below and we will be in contact with you shortly
This course offers an overview of the field of Building Information Modelling (BIM).
At the end of this course the participants should be able to:
• Comprehend key elements of BIM
• Understand the elementary roles that stakeholders in the AEC sector play with respect to BIM
• Define milestones for the implementation of BIM
• Apply strategies of implementing BIM on a step-by-step basis
• Critically evaluate the performance of BIM applications
• Appreciate the importance of open non-proprietary exchange formats
Topics Covered
BIM, BIM Vocabulary, BIM Uses, BIM Standards, OpenBIM,, CoBie, Uniclass, Collaboration methods, legal impacts and complications, Local Case Studies about using BIM in Design , Construction and FM. Computer Demonstration.
Target Audience
Developers, owners, Architects, Engineers, Consultants, Contractors, Vendors and Suppliers.
Date & Time
31st March & 1st April (Friday & Saturday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm)
GULF University Campus - Bahrain
BD 60 per person
Fill the form in this page, or drop us an email : training@bimes.com
Trainer's Short Bio
Mr. Mohannad Altabbal
A licensed architect with 10 years of experience in the field of BIM, Mr. Mohannad Altabbal has worked in different countries in the region and helped to implement BIM in several firms. During his career he has trained, implemented, lectured and practiced BIM in architecture and construction. He currently works as a General Manager of BIM Engineering Solutions and is involved in large projects in BIM with major developers and contractors in the region, where he advises high level management on the way to approach BIM in a practical and solution centred